Online Whiteboard Review: Ziteboard

Ziteboard offers another quick and easy to use virtual whiteboard with zero setup required. Navigating your browser to is all it takes to begin with again a blank canvas, but one also has broken down with a grid to aid in drawing and writing. Options are simple, and functions are left to the basic drawing, erasing, navigating and undo buttons. Text and pictures are supporting, you can select all items on the canvas and copy them into the clipboard by the traditional hotkeys ctrl + c (or cmd + c on Mac). While the list features provided might not be as extensive as alternatives, the drawing felt supernatural, responsive and incredibly accurate. Ziteboard doesn’t necessarily present anything new but requires no setup, sharing is quick and simple and it certainly gets the job done.

  • Sharing your whiteboard and inviting new members to participate, or just observe, is made really easy with a uniquely generated link every time you begin a new whiteboard. Simply email or message this link to your guests, and upon clicking the link they will be brought to your exact whiteboard
  • One of the key benefits of is the real-time nature of the app, allowing your guests to instantly see any changes you make on your screen, right on their screen in real-time. Testing this in our office proved impressive results with only a slight second or two delay.
  • Ziteboard keeps everything basic, and logging in with Google, Twitter, Facebook, Slack lets users save and share their whiteboards in new ways, not to mention a tablet-friendly nature for even easier stylus drawing.

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